Hello World, Enter' Jamaica!

Welcome to Enter' Jamaica, the place where you can find random but useful and interesting information about my island home. Yes, you guessed it i am from the beautiful and unique island of Jamaica, the home of Jerk, Patties, Bob Marley, Reggae, Dancehall and of course our native tongue Patois (Pat-wa).

The Jamaican entertainment, culture, food and people are known worldwide to be some of the most original, unique, and diverse around and are constantly in the global spotlight. I will attempt to showcase some of the aspects that make us who we are and in the process get rid of some of the stigma attributed to Jamaicans.

As our motto says "out of many one people", see the many things that make us a unique people and feel free to partake on this wonderful ride through my island country.

What does Enter' Jamaica mean? well the name has two meanings. The first one is basically a 'welcome to my island' or 'come and enter Jamaica' the second is Entertainment Jamaica, abbreviated by Enter'.

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Sunday, July 22, 2007


Weed, chalice, pot, herb, grass, bush, mary, ganja, skunk, reefer, magic dragon whatever you know it as i am talking about cannabis sativa. This plant has been known throughout human existence to have many uses: as a source of fiber, nourishment, and as a drug. Today its main use is as a drug in spiritual and recreational activities, and has been met with some debate and is considered illegal in many countries. Weed, as i like to call it, has been popularized worldwide by the fact that it is illegal, adding to its mystique and taboo. In Jamaica weed has become a part of our national signature, right behind Bob Marley. The first things that comes to mind when you say Jamaica are Bob Marley, Weed and Reggae, this can be attributed with an earlier post...Rastafari. Many rastas use marijuana as a spiritual herb in order to gain wisdom and it is one of their central symbols, thou not is not mandatory for a rasta to smoke it.

Here in Jamaica weed is indeed illegal. One can get fined and even jailed depending on the amount one is caught with and your intent, that is not to say that weed isn't seen (and mostly smelt) in everyday life. Rastas use it as a part of their religion and are given some leeway in their dealings with the illegal herb, it is generally a common myth that once one is smoking the herb in the confines of their home as a religious activity one is in his right as a Jamaican Citizen to do so. The entertainment industry has also given flight to the activity of smoking weed by incorporating it into lyrics and a right of passage into 'ganstahood'. Now, more and more people are seen indulging into the activity, getting high, and reaching "another level of consciousness". Many people consider the way law enforcements treat weed smoking offenders as lax, as they have more important things on their plate, that is not to say that if someone is blatantly abusing the substance they will not be reprimanded.

A thriving business has been around in Jamaica of people exporting the herb making a hefty profit and also risking life and limb, growing the crop in the shadows of the police. It is rather sad to think that many people who hear about Jamaica first think of weed and are drawn to this place by the idea of it being "ok" to smoke it here without fear of legal repercussions. Jamaica is contrary to popular belief, not a safe haven for ganja smokers. It is indeed against the law.

1 comment:

Raytrax said...

pot = peta = porro = canuto = petilla = palito de la felicidad = may

greetings from spain!!