Hello World, Enter' Jamaica!

Welcome to Enter' Jamaica, the place where you can find random but useful and interesting information about my island home. Yes, you guessed it i am from the beautiful and unique island of Jamaica, the home of Jerk, Patties, Bob Marley, Reggae, Dancehall and of course our native tongue Patois (Pat-wa).

The Jamaican entertainment, culture, food and people are known worldwide to be some of the most original, unique, and diverse around and are constantly in the global spotlight. I will attempt to showcase some of the aspects that make us who we are and in the process get rid of some of the stigma attributed to Jamaicans.

As our motto says "out of many one people", see the many things that make us a unique people and feel free to partake on this wonderful ride through my island country.

What does Enter' Jamaica mean? well the name has two meanings. The first one is basically a 'welcome to my island' or 'come and enter Jamaica' the second is Entertainment Jamaica, abbreviated by Enter'.

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Sunday, July 15, 2007

Our Beautiful Pledge

Written to invoke absolute pride in our country, the flow and use of words is beautiful.

Before God and all mankind
I pledge the love and loyalty of my heart
The wisdom and courage of my mind
The strength and vigor of my body

In the service of my fellow citizens
I promise to stand up for justice, Brotherhood and peace
To work diligently and creatively,
To think generously and honestly
So that Jamaica may, under God,
Increase in beauty, fellowship and prosperity
And play her part in advancing the welfare
of the whole human race.

Most of us don't think like this anymore, its all dog eat dog. When i was in High School and Preparatory School, we had to recite this every morning, hand on left breast at full attention, we saw it as a bother then but i think we should continue it to this day, meditate on the words and see what they mean to you.

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